2019-05-08 - 3M


~6.2 mi @ ~12.9 min/mi

"They have three types of people: Military, Management, and Mathematicians." E.R. caricatures each category as Dawn Patrol meanders across McLean. We preview part of the fun-run course that he will cover with a camera later today. Cut-throughs connect ball fields, parking lots, and culs-de-sac. A peachy sunrise illuminates dappled altocumulus clouds.

"It reminds us how blessed we are!" K-Rex tells of a recent scary situation that could have resulted in grave injuries if timing had been a little different. At Opalacka Street we near Pimmit Run Trail but decide to save it for drier times when it's less overgrown. Schoolchildren drift zombie-like toward their bus stop. A scarecrow stands sentry duty inside a trash can at the street.

(trackfile) - ^z - 2019-05-26